Currently, there is no perfect treatment of cerebral palsy. But the treatment to reduce the severity of paralysis. In many cases, the paralysis was positive. Paralysis treated many treatments. Not all treatments are the same symptoms. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor decides which treatment is bestfor patients. Parents and care treatments offer the benefit of the child.
The treatment of cerebral palsy is complex and requires different approaches and experiences of experts in the treatment of cerebral palsy. In some cases where the hospital is a multi-disciplinary, where the child in all aspects of it are several cases of cerebral palsy treatment, such asFor example:
Treatment For Cerebral Palsy
or increase physical therapy, the operation of this shell, so they perform the functions of the body and strengthen the capacity to move.
o Different types of exercise devices. "The wheelchairs, crutches, scooters, tricycles and positioning devices are used to make payment.
o The occupational therapist is used to determine the function. It also includes nutrition, development andDressing.
o Treatment of spasticity, the patient usually with injections into the muscles. If the result is good, it can improve the effect of deformation, but physiotherapy and occupational therapy and surgery.
O Speech: In particular, the athetoid child faces the problem of communication. Uncontrolled movements of the child's mouth and tongue. speech therapy and improve the muscles of the tongue. You also get speech therapy for deaf childrenLoss.
or low vision: the child suffers from cerebral palsy, visual impairment, usually in children, strabismus, visual disturbances and bottom.
or medical treatment: children with cerebral palsy have problems with seizures, confusion, and food and digestion and breathing.
Seven types of cerebral palsy treatment
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